You are what you code

Your clients measure you by the breadth of your expertise and the quality of your work. With Wingz, you're covered. Our available expertise in virtually every discipline and technology means you can service all of your clients' needs in the digital space. And it all comes with our venerated high-touch service and infinite support.

HTML emails

We create HTML emails that display perfectly everywhere, including notoriously ornery email clients such as Outlook and GMail.

We deliver ready-to-implement files coded for your delivery platform, along with screen shots of how they look in almost every desktop and mobile email environment.

Landing Pages

Whether you need a simple template for an automation platform or a mega-interactive custom landing page, we do it all — video carousels, polls, quizzes, data capture, you name it.

And if you’re capturing data, we’ll feed it to the appropriate platform or host it securely as needed.

Web Sites

We code web sites that match agency design files to the pixel, and implement zippy interactivity and animation that work on every screen.

Our code leverages the latest web technologies, with elegant fallbacks for the unfortunate few using older technology.

And if a CMS is needed, we’re in, whether WordPress, Drupal, Joomla or custom.

Banner Ads

At last count, the number of animated banner ads we have created is around a gazillion. We’ll take your design and make it sing in no time.

We're fluent in every major ad delivery platform, so your ads will never be rejected, regardless of format: HTML5 (yes!), animated .gif (can do), or Flash (if we must).

Mobile Apps

Let’s say you have a client who wants a super-cool mobile app and you have no idea where to turn. Piece of cake.

Call us! We'll give you all the options and code what's needed, quickly, without breaking the bank.


Typically, your clients won't call you for help implementing an e-commerce solution. But if you do get that call, fear not.

We speak Shopify, Volusion, Magento, WooCommerce and more, and can also provide custom solutions as needed.


Warning: we will turn down coding anything that’s not fully responsive. It’s the 21st century, after all.

But if your agency doesn’t have the time or resources to provide responsive-ready design files, no problem! We’ll collaborate with you to make your static design beautifully responsive, as we do for many clients, at a reasonable upcharge.


Your clients want tracking data, and lots of it. Lucky for you, Wingz knows the drill.

Whether it's just Google Analytics, third-party solutions like Adobe Analytics (Omniture), or any of the major marketing automation platforms, we know exactly where and how to code those magic tracking gizmos.

Platform Integration

What happens when your client gets a snazzy new marketing automation platform, and wants to migrate that genius demand gen program you created? You sprout Wingz!

Because we’ve done this time and again, we’ll whisper everything you need to know into your ear, so you can be even smarter than your client thinks you are.

Quality Control

Quality is our first, last and middle name. We pride ourselves on consistently delivering error-free work, thanks to our proprietary, ruthless QA process.

Because we're so very good at it, many of our clients ask us to QA their own comps, copy decks and design files (weird, right?), and we’d be happy to do it for you, too.

Creative Review

Designing for digital is a delicate balancing act between time, cost, and functionality, with risks even for those who understand the medium. We're your spotters.

We offer a quick, reasonable creative review that examines feasibility and implications of a specific design, along with alternative options to save time, money and headaches.


Because we have been creating digital magic for so long for agencies and their clients large and small, we’ve pretty much seen it all.

Whether providing coding services for you or not, Wingz can provide expert consulting on all things digital from A to Z, at reasonable, less-than-expert rates.

Let’s talk

San Francisco: +1 415 422 9697
New York: +1 212 489 0504
Toll-free US/Canada: 888 220 0201

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Wingz is a trading name of Wingz Digital Inc. © 2016, all rights reserved.